Champ High plastic grinder

7,90 CHF

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7,90 CHF

Champ High plastic grinder

3 pieces

Size: Ø 40 mm

A plastic grinder from Champ High is a simple and inexpensive tool for grinding herbs or other materials. These grinders are usually made of durable plastic and usually have two or more parts.

A typical plastic grinder has sharp teeth or pins inside that grind the material when you turn the lid. The shredded material collects in the lower chamber of the grinder. Some plastic grinders may also have a sieve to collect pollen dust.

Plastic grinders are usually lightweight and easy to transport. They are often a cost-effective option for people looking for an easy solution to chopping herbs. However, they tend to be less durable than metal grinders and can show signs of wear over time.

It's important to note that plastic grinders typically don't grind as precisely or efficiently as high-quality metal grinders. If you value a finer consistency and long-term durability, a metal grinder might be a better choice.


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